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English (United States)

Suburban PA Plan
Benefits Summary Page

Your Suburban PA plan provides a broad range of health benefits, including hospital and medical, prescription drug, dental, vision, mental health and substance abuse, life insurance and other benefits.

For more specific information about your benefits, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), your Summary Benefit Coverage (SBC) and your plan's Summary Plan Description (SPD). Be sure to scroll to the end of your SPD for the most recent version of the Summary of Material Modifications ("SMM"). A Summary of Material Modifications ("SMM") describes all the changes and/or clarifications that have been made to the Plan since the printing of the Plan's current Summary Plan Description ("SPD").


Hospital and Medical Coverage

Your hospital and medical coverage is provided through the Anthem BlueCross BlueShield.

To find a doctor click on


Prescription Drug Coverage

Your prescription drug coverage is with OptumRx. Visit OptumRx to find a pharmacy near you.


Dental Benefit

Your dental coverage is with Delta Dental. Visit Delta Dental to find a participating Delta Dental provider near you.


Vision Benefit

Your vision coverage is with Davis Vision. Visit Davis Vision to locate a participating vision provider near you.


Life Insurance

Your life insurance benefit is with MetLife. For more information, please refer to your Summary Plan Description (SPD).


Need More Assistance?

Call Member Services at 800-551-3225 from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. (Translation service is available in many languages.)